Ask Democratic Leadership to Support Sanctuary Private Bills

Please join us in signing this petition calling on Congressional leaders Rep. Nadler, Chair of House Judiciary Committee, Rep. Pelosi, Speaker of the House, Rep. Lofgren and Rep. Jayapal, Chair and co-chair of the House Immigration and Citizenship Subcommittee, to act on behalf of sanctuary families.

Take Action: Sign the Petition

This February 29th will mark four years living in Sanctuary for Hilda and her 13-year-old son, Ivan. They have always called Texas home, but much of that has been while either living in family detention -under the Obama Administration- or in Sanctuary, now under the Trump administration. Hilda knows first-hand discretion is possible, regardless of who is in office.

Please join Hilda and all of the families in Sanctuary in calling on these Members of Congress to act!

9 thoughts on “Ask Democratic Leadership to Support Sanctuary Private Bills

  1. Lynn A Cervini says:

    Please help move private bills forward for sanctuary families in the House Immigration subcommittee. Take immediate action!

  2. Francine Glass says:

    I believe it is my moral obligation to support the unfortunate individuals and families living in sanctuary. Please TAKE ACTION on private immigration bills.

    Thanks you

  3. Melanie S. Walter-Mahoney says:

    Please help move private bills forward for sanctuary families in the House Immigration subcommittee. Take immediate action! Thank you!

  4. Bob Jarvis says:

    I support and ask our congress to support, take up, and pass the private bills to enable those living in sanctuary now the status they need to support themselves and have normal freedoms in this country. They would be in serious peril if returned to their countries of origin and should be granted permanent asylum here in accordance with international law and treaties and humanitarian conscience and allowed to fully contribute to our economy with dignity. Furthermore, any fines and/or penalties levied or to be levied against them for their efforts to remain in this country should also be permanently withdrawn and rescinded with protection from any further such actions.


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