Rep. Beatty Introduces Private Immigration Bill for Edith Espinal

We applaud Rep. Beatty for doing the right thing and introducing a private immigration bill to help bring attention to the plight of Edith Espinal and all like her. Edith has been living in Sanctuary since October 2nd, 2017, and she knows she will one day get out if people continue to raise the profile of her situation.

Edith has lived in Ohio since she was a teenager herself, this is her home. We just know someone out there can help us get a solution and we are hoping this bill, HR 4224 will be a first-step in that direction.

This is the first time Rep. Beatty has ever introduced a private bill; this serves as a testament to how uniquely powerful Edith’s story is. In the coming months we are looking forward to working with both Republicans and Democrats to find a lasting solution for our families.

Edith’s bill, along with other bills introduced such as the one for Alex Garcia, HR 3750, are now pending before the Immigration and Citizenship Subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee.

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